Bake Your Own Bread

Be prepared to feel super smug after gaining this new super power!
This fail proof and simple recipe produces a lovely crusty loaf every time.
Who knew it was this easy to bake your own bread? The secret is the pre-heated casserole dish which simulates a steamy professional baker's oven & if you don't have one, you can often buy them second hand in charity shops.
All you need:
A Casserole Dish (with a lid)
350g Bread Flour
1 tsp Salt
1/2 tsp Dried Yeast (you can buy the powder at most supermarkets)
300ml Cold Water
How to:
Mix all the ingredients together and cover and leave for at least 3 hours, or overnight.
Using a hard spatular turn out the risen dough onto a well floured surface and fold just 4-5 times.
Drop the dough into a bowl lined with baking parchment. Cover and leave whilst the oven heats up (30 mins).
Heat the oven to 250’c with the empty dish, lid on, inside the oven.
Remove the hot dish and lift the baking parchment with the dough into the dish, pop the lid back on and bake for 30 mins.
For a good crust, remove the lid and bake for a further 5-10 mins.
Allow to cool, remove the parchment paper, slice and enjoy!